

This is the Too Late to Run mirror site, in the event that people with tons of traffic find us and link us. We're poor at the moment and can't really afford to get slammed by sudden X-TREEM popularity.

So here is the 'buffer': we upload the comics here, and you go through and see if you like us. If you do, feel free to continue on here. It's got a lot of pretty graphics and information and forums and things that you may not find here for a while.

It's not that we don't love you as much. We just know that you're probably itching to get to the good stuff.

Oh, and why 'madness'? Let's just say we're conscientious users, and we recycle. ^_^



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The Too Late to Run mirror is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics. Respect the Keen. All content is copyright 2003 Andrew Babb unless otherwise noted. Mirror site maintained by Katie Tandler.